OCIS Arrival and Dismissal

In order to facilitate a safe arrival and departure for our students, Haven Avenue becomes a one-way road during student arrival and dismissal.
Please remember that drivers must enter Haven Avenue from 18th Street for student drop-off and pick-up.
Students may be dropped off between 7:20 and 7:40.
Please do not drop your child off prior to 7:20 as there will not be supervision present before this time.
Students arriving at the school after 7:40 must enter through the main entrance in the front of the building. Homeroom begins at 7:45.
Student pick-up after the school day has ended also takes place on Haven Avenue behind the basketball courts. We will continue to stagger our student dismissal to avoid overcrowding our hallways.
Pick up time will be at 2:20.
Enter 18th Street from Bay Ave and proceed to turn right onto Haven Ave.
Students should be dropped off on Haven Ave. behind the basketball courts.
Please follow the same traffic pattern when picking students up in the afternoon.