Volunteering in Our Schools

The Ocean City School District is fortunate to have individuals who contribute time and energy to students as volunteers.  Student safety is of the utmost importance to the Ocean City School District, therefore volunteers must complete the document at the bottom of the page. 

Ocean City Education Foundation

The Ocean City Education Foundation (OCEF) is an independent community service organization, formed exclusively for charitable, cultural and educational purposes dedicated to encouraging community-wide participation and philanthropy in order to enhance and expand enrichment opportunities for all students in the Ocean City School District and the community at large. Click here to visit the Ocean City Education Foundation website. 

Ocean City PTA

OCPTA is organized to bring together members for the Ocean City Primary and Intermediate Schools. There are numerous opportunities to gather as a community throughout the year and participate in many fun-filled activities. Your contribution, whether it is your time, knowledge or resources, makes a difference. Our website will give you instant access to our calendar of events and the latest updates. Click here to visit the OCPTA website. 

Level II Volunteers

Please contact the principal's secretary for information and links to required documents:

Primary School: Mrs. Stacy McCarron smccarron@ocsdnj.org

Intermediate School: Mrs. Rose Green rgreen@ocsdnj.org

High School: Mrs. Lauren Richards lrichards@ocsdnj.org

Volunteer Coaches

Please visit the following link to view current volunteer coaching opportunities: https://ocsdnj.schoolspring.com/