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Scott Cooper
Special Education Aide
High School
Thomas Crowell
Special Education Aide
High School
Lakia Jackson
Special Education Aide
High School
Paul Landi
Special Education Aide
High School
Devon Miller
Special Education Aide
High School
David Quatresols
Special Education Aide
High School
Andrea Sutherlund
Special Education Aide
High School
Melanie Vitale
Special Education Aide
High School
Nicole Buesing
Special Education Teacher
High School
Paul Callahan
Special Education Teacher
High School
Robert Citta
Special Education Teacher
High School
James Conroy
Special Education Teacher
High School
Stephanie Daher-Quinn
Special Education Teacher
High School
Jessica Debiaso
Special Education Teacher
High School
Charles Dolinsky
Special Education Teacher
High School
Patricia Kelly
Special Education Teacher
High School
James Monteleone
Special Education Teacher
High School
Eileen Ruane-Graham
Special Education Teacher
High School
Dianne Vallese
Special Education Teacher
High School
Carole Williams
Special Education Teacher
High School