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Susan Palmer
Mathematics Teacher
High School
Scot Rainear
Mathematics Teacher
High School
Edward Ritti
Mathematics Teacher
High School
Jennifer Sera
Mathematics Teacher
High School
Angelina Montello
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counselor
High School
Jennifer O'Brien
Mental Health Counselor
High School
Craig Martin
Music Teacher
High School
Brian Schkeeper
Music Teacher
High School
Jill Berenato
High School
Lauren Gayeski
High School
Adriana Palmer
Photography Teacher
High School
John Bruno
Physchology Teacher
High School
Timothy Cook
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Timothy Kelley
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Beth Kelly
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Catherine Kline
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Abby Latorre
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Joseph Latorre
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Sean Matthews
Physical Education Teacher
High School
Shane Mcgrath
Physical Education Teacher
High School