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Michael Pellegrino
Athletic Director
Curt Nath
Director of Academic Services
Lauren Gunther
Director of Student Services
Heather Hays
Secretary to the Director of Academic Services
Eileen Sorantino
Secretary to the Director of Student Services
Kathleen Moran
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer
Michael Allegretto
Board Member
Board of Education
Kevin Barnes
Board Member
Board of Education
Kristie Chisholm
Board Member
Board of Education
Chris Halliday
Board Member
Board of Education
Liz Nicoletti
Board Member
Board of Education
Corey Niemiec
Board Member
Board of Education
Jocelyn Palaganas
Board Member
Board of Education
Catherine Panico
Board Member
Board of Education
Disston Vanderslice
Board Member
Board of Education
Michele Rundgren
Accounts Payable Coordinator
Central Office
Kaitlin Granese
Assistant Business Administrator
Central Office
Timothy Kelley
Business Administrator
Central Office
Scotty Keiluhn
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Central Office
Kelly Donato
Personnel Services Manager
Central Office