About OCPS

The Ocean City Primary School is proud to be “Partners in Progress” with its staff, students and parents. Together we provide an excellent educational experience for our students residing in Ocean City, and Sea Isle in pre-kindergarten through third. Ocean City Primary School is known for its high expectations academically with a nurturing environment that is sensitive to each child’s needs. The Ocean City Primary School is dedicated to our district’s commitment to excellence in education, ensuring that all students are provided with rigorous learning activities that are meaningful and exciting to promote life-long learning. We believe in a child-centered approach to deliver the curriculum and instructional programs so each child reaches his or her greatest potential. Our academic programs are taught to include a balanced language arts program, mathematics, social studies, and science. In addition, our children receive classes in physical education, computers, art, music, world language and library. Our teaching staff uses differentiated instruction that is integrated with research based instructional practices to deliver a standards based and data driven curriculum.
Data driven instruction is essential to the success of our educational programs. Instructional staff routinely uses a variety of assessments to evaluate student learning and instructional effectiveness. Evaluation instruments include district and state testing designed to measure student performance on the New Jesrsey Student Learning Standards. These instruments include, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and district created assessments. From this data, differentiated instruction is used to meet the individual learning levels of all students. We also utilize this data to provide service to our gifted learners through our integrated GATE Program, assistance with our language arts literacy and mathematics program through Title 1 Services, Counseling, Speech and Language, OT/PT and Special Education are provided to support and supplement learning. We also provide a before school program, Educational Acceleration and Support Environment (EASE )that is offered to students who need supplemental work in mathematics and language arts literacy. Our students are continually exposed to rigorous educational activities that are engaging as well as providing developmental experiences to enhance a student’s social and emotional well-being.
Our school is rich in technology so that we may bring our 21st Century Learners to the forefront of education and to enhance their learning. Each child is equipped with an IPAD to use to improve literacy achievement. Also, each classroom is equipped with a SMARTboard to utilize and bring learning to life.
Character Education plays a very important role in our school. Hallways are named for the principle character traits. These character traits are reinforced during our morning announcements, assemblies and classroom lessons. We embrace the concept of anti-bullying through spirit days and theme weeks that are held throughout the year.
The Ocean City Primary School is fortunate to have vibrant PTA and parent involvement. Our children receive a well-rounded experience because the teaching staff and parents work together to provide classroom support, literature experiences, cultural events and educational materials. We are “Partners in Progress.”
Dr. Cathleen M. Smith