Guidance Programs
The Ocean City High School Guidance Department hosts a number of presentations each school year to assist parents and their students with orientation to high school, college/post secondary education planning and the application process. Listed below are presentations and the time of year they generally take place.
Junior Parent College Information Session - Evening Presentation, Fall Session at OCHS
For juniors and their parents. This is the first of two sessions, which we hope will stimulate action. On this evening we do an orinetation to Naviance and we will discuss:
College Admissions Testing
Admission Terminology and Trends
Visiting College Campuses
The Internet and Computer Assisted Searches
Personal Credentials-Transcript and Academic Resume
Finding the Right College
Financial Aid Night - Evening Presentation in September at the THE BILL & NANCY HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
For seniors and their parents. Topics of discussion include:
The Application Process and How Aid is Awarded
Loans - How to Get Them and Who to Contact
How to Fill Out The Appropriate Paperwork
The CSS Profile and How It Is Used
State and Federal Programs
The Financial Aid Package
Four Year College Preview - School Day Presentation in January at the THE BILL & NANCY HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
For college-bound seniors.
OCHS Graduates share their first year college experiences with current seniors. Graduates share their advice on the transition to college and handling the application process.
Early College Planning Night - Evening Presentation February at the THE BILL & NANCY HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
Designed for freshmen and their parents. Topics will include:
College Admission Criteria
Planning the High School Program
College Search Resources
Testing Overview
Sample College Admission Profiles
Sample College Costs
Overview of Financial Aid and Scholarships
The Importance of Visiting Colleges
8th Grade Orientation - Evening Presentation January/February at the THE BILL & NANCY HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
For incoming 8th grade students and their parents.
The focus of the program is to prepare students for scheduling their freshmen year courses and give everyone a better understanding of the requirements for graduations and opportunities available at OCHS.
Junior Parent Information Session - Evening Presentation Spring Session at the THE BILL & NANCY HUGHES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER
For juniors and their parents. Topics for the spring session are as follows:
How Colleges Evaluate a Candidate
Packaging the Student-OCHS Procedures
Money, Money, Money!
Financial Aid and Scholarships